The Future of Virtual Reality: Exciting Applications and Games

Virtual Reality

With so many developments in virtual reality (VR) technology, we’re seeing a whole new world of opportunities. VR has the potential to transform how we work, play and live. From medicine and education to journalism and art; the ways in which we interact with each other and our environment will change forever. As more people get on board with VR, there will be even greater innovation and discovery.

Despite the speculation about what this means for us, it can be hard to know what to expect from this new frontier of technology. This article is an introduction to virtual reality: its applications and games of today and tomorrow, as well as some challenges it faces along the way.

Section 1: What is virtual reality?

Virtual Reality

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated, immersive 3D environment. In VR, your sense of presence is so strong that you really do feel as though you are present somewhere else. For this reason, the difference between virtual reality and reality is all in your head.

A virtual reality headset is a piece of hardware you can wear to immerse yourself in a 3D world. A typical consumer-grade headset has a display that is usually built into the headset; which allows you to see the outside world. The two best examples are Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Both devices come with an attached hand-held controller that allows you to move in 3D space and interact with your environment. These controllers can be controlled by your own movement and by the built-in sensors of the headset.

The world of Virtual Reality

At the moment, we’re in a phase of change as 3D content is slowly growing and improving. We are on the cusp of a new age of content creation that is paving the way for how we engage with virtual reality.

Take the Oculus Rift, for example. This virtual reality headset has the potential to transform how we interact with the virtual world. With its integrated headphones and special controller, you can control the headset with a simple motion in the direction you want to go. You can also see what’s in front of you using stereoscopic vision. With these capabilities, we’re able to let go of our physical bodies and simply interact with the virtual world around us.

But this isn’t the only exciting thing about virtual reality. The real revolution is its independence from a PC or mobile device.

Applications of Virtual Reality

The use of VR in industry is still in its infancy. Research is still being done, and companies that already use VR aren’t always able to tell us what applications it can help them solve. VR is currently being used in some surprising places and applications, however, which indicates its potential. One example is the use of VR in space travel. NASA’s scientists have used VR to develop a method of simulating zero-gravity conditions that astronauts have to go through to train for space missions. It has even been used to train doctors to work on patients on the International Space Station. Another example is a device called The Rift. This system is very similar to a VR headset, and is still in its early stages.

Games in VR

Virtual Reality

More and more people are getting excited about VR. As the technology improves, people have even started playing games in VR.

Two popular, yet different, kinds of games that are currently being experimented with for VR are TheBluVR and Google Earth VR. Both allow people to dive into a virtual ocean and explore the underwater worlds therein.

Google Earth VR

While TheBluVR has similar immersive capabilities, it doesn’t allow people to stand or walk around. But, by turning your head in each direction, you can navigate the ocean floor and watch as fish swim by. While the environment may not be as close to what you experience in real life, it can still be a lot more immersive.

Apps like Google Earth VR allow us to do things that we could not do in real life.

Challenges for VR

Despite the high level of excitement that surrounds the state of VR today, there are challenges.

The biggest challenge facing VR today is the hardware. With just two highly-advanced headsets and some tracking technology, we’re not even close to being able to make VR and PC games available to the entire world.

That may change with more powerful systems, but making VR available for all to use isn’t even on the radar yet. It will require innovative hardware, improved tracking technologies and changes to the game industry to make that a reality.

Another big issue is the lack of software. There are some great offerings already, such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive, but most PC VR games are pretty mediocre at best.

We need better software to make VR fun and immersive.


Virtual reality is an exciting technological revolution. As companies like Oculus continue to develop it; it’s easy to get caught up in the hype. But it’s important to remember that VR is no magic bullet. It needs a thoughtful approach and design. There will be an inevitable learning curve as developers; companies and the technology itself learns to interact in the real world.

It may take years for us to reach true technological maturity; but a general understanding of where it’s going, as well as how it might benefit our daily lives, is a step forward.

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